Flower delivery Local Milton Vermont VT Florist sends Flowers Florist VT Milton
Flowers delivered by local Milton Vermont VT Florist, serving the area since 1977. Come in, call us at 877-638-3303 or visit us on the web at:
Keywords: Milton Florist, Milton Flowers, Milton Vermont Florist, Milton Vermont Flowers, Milton VT Flowers, Flower delivery Milton Vermont, send Flowers Milton Vermont, Florist VT Milton Vermont, Florist VT Milton Vermont, Milton Vermont, Florist VT Milton VT, Milton VT Florist, Milton Flowers, Flowers VT Vermont Milton, local Milton Vermont Florist
Customer Reviews for Milton VT Flower Delivery – Avas Flowers
Susan Cameron on 2/8/2012 1:30:25 PM
I DO NOT LIKE THE WAY I WAS MISLEAD!! I was told if I ordered over the internet, I would get 15% off my order,and no delivery charge, that didn't happen !AFTER ,I placed my order,and gave my credit card #,I got a thank you for your order e-mail.after 15mins I also received a phone call, telling me they did NOT have fresh fruit, and could i wait until tomorrow to have my order delivered!!ARE YOU KIDDING ME !! If I wanted it to be the day after the Funeral service, I would have placed the order for then, but that wouldn't be very appropriate, now would it!!They had over 300 people attend the service, and the fruit basket I ordered, WAS NOT THERE!! AS of this morning @11:00 A.M. it still wasn't there!! I am Not Happy!!Your employee's Lied to me!!I do expect an apology,as well as a refund!!
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