The Richard A. and Barbara W. Snelling Center for Government is a non-partisan, non-profit corp.
Established in 1992 in memory of Governor Richard Snelling, the Snelling Center is committed to his vision of government that works for the people of Vermont.
The mission of the Snelling Center for Government is to foster responsible and ethical civic leadership, encourage public service by private citizens, and promote informed citizen participation in shaping public policy in Vermont.
The Snelling Center for Government is well known and highly respected by the Vermont public as a leading public policy and leadership organization. Its leadership programs are sought after, effective, and respected with waiting lists of qualified candidates. It is viewed as a reliable and objective source of information and research on Vermont issues. The Snelling Center for Government will continue to have a relatively small and highly competent permanent staff while making use of qualified consultants as required.
Keywords: Leadership, Vermont, Public Policy